30 graduate from MAC-CSE, 100 per cent passes attained | THE DAILY HERALD

CAY HILL–Thirty students said goodbye to their high school years when they graduated from Methodist Agogic Centre – Comprehensive Secondary Education (MAC-CSE) at Belair Community Center on Wednesday, December 12.

  It was the institution’s first graduation ceremony since it was formed five years ago in August 2013. The ceremony was themed “Feed your dreams, starve your distractions.”

  Sherah Helligar was named valedictorian; salutatorian was Marjorie Denis and second runner-up valedictorian was Chante Grant.

  The Principal’s Prize for outstanding contribution to the school went to Kiara Meyers; the Principal’s Prize for Outstanding Academic Performance went to Helligar; Most Outstanding Business Student went to Denis; Most Outstanding Science Student was awarded to Terrelle Thomas; Most Athletic Male Student Ceejay Adamus and Most Athletic Female Student was Kiana Blanc.

  Cum Laude graduates were Helligar, Denis, Grant, Mahek Ahuja, Taria Matthew, Thomas, Darren David, Blanc and D’Angelo Queeley.

  The school said 30 candidates had entered the June 2018 Caribbean Examinations Council – Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate CXC-CSEC and the Dutch International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) Cambridge examinations. MAC-CSE sent up candidates to be examined in 20 subject areas for the two examination bodies. All candidates returned passes of Grades 1, 2 and 3 in five or more subjects at one sitting.

  “Thus, the MAC-CSE boasts of 100 per cent passes at the CXC-CSEC and Cambridge examinations. None of the candidates had to re-sit any of these examinations,” the school said.

  Belair Community Centre was packed with dignitaries, school board representatives, distinguished past MAC alumni, parents, friends, staff and well-wishers.

  MAC official Velda James was honoured during the ceremony for her sterling leadership as the principal who guided the MAC-CSE to this first milestone. School board representative Whitfield Vlaun assisted by the board chairman and Executive Director Rose Hughes-Coram presented an award to James. Management team member Joshua Schwiers and Junior Minister of Tourism Kiara Meyers, one of the graduates, also paid tribute to her.

  Prime Minister Leona Romeo-Marlin, a former MAC student, delivered the keynote address. There were also addresses by school board chairman Reverend Patmore Henry, Lavonne Cort, who delivered the School Manager’s report, and Helligar, who delivered the valedictorian’s speech.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/83712-30-graduate-from-mac-cse-100-per-cent-passes-attained