MARIGOT–Nurses in the Maternity Ward of Louis Constant Fleming Hospital were kept very busy on Christmas Day with an unusually high number of babies born just hours apart from each other.
The first to give birth at 9:17am was Dieuna Edouard from Haiti with a 4-kilogramme 400-gram baby boy named Trenelson.
The second birth was at 2:48pm, a boy, but the mother declined to have her name revealed.
The third baby was born at 4:32pm, a boy named Angel to Dileny Natera Mota from the Dominican Republic.
Celia Philogene from Guadeloupe gave birth to a baby girl, Kélia, at 6:53pm.
Then the fifth baby, a girl named Jenzie, was born to Mari Angela Kidd at 9:30pm.
Nurses could not recall any other Christmas Day when so many babies were born in one day, but a similar number were born on New Year’s Day some years ago.
Source: The Daily Herald
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