50% clients who received correct bills not compliant | THE DAILY HERALD

 Troy Washington. 

 ~ Remain current with monthly payments, GEBE urges ~

 PHILIPSBURG–A “remarkably low” number of the clients of utilities company GEBE who have received their correct bills are compliant when it comes to payment.

  GEBE said on Sunday that only 50% of their clientele who have received their correct bills are compliant with payment and the company is urging its customers to remain current with their bills.

  The company painted a picture of how a client’s bill can balloon out of control if payments are not being made. “The records reflect that, thus far, only a limited number of customers (i.e., 50%) have been compliant with the regular payment of their average monthly utility usage. This is in need of drastic improvements in order to avoid any undesirable consequences,” stated GEBE in a press release on Sunday.

  “With NV GEBE’s teams strongly focused on resolving various pressing billing and operational concerns, the solutions are imminent, with fully functional systems forthcoming within the near future,” it was stated in the release.

   “It has been noted, however, that among the majority of customers who have received correct bills, payment compliance remains remarkably low (50%),” noted the company. “This presents financial management challenges for both NV GEBE and the customer. Even with consideration of a select few customers who may temporarily be experiencing some billing challenges, most are fully aware of their average monthly utility consumption and therefore are requested to pay for their regular usage of electricity and water supply, which are being continuously provided.

  “With that in mind, customers are strongly urged to make monthly payments, based on their average consumption amounts in order to avoid the ongoing accrual of the bill totals, which can grow into disproportionate amounts if regular payments are not being made.”

  As an example, GEBE said if one would consider a scenario whereby customer ‘John Doe’ has paid an average of NAF. 250 per month in utility expenses. However, Doe has not made any payments on his bill from February-October 2022, but he continues to consume water and electricity at his leisure. That amount will undoubtedly accrue to NAF. 2,250, over the nine-month period. Once this total remains outstanding, along with the ongoing monthly payments that continuously accrue – due to non-payment, this will result in a large sum. “This may all become due within the same period of time, as all billing issues have been fully resolved.”

  GEBE said financial budget management is not only essential for the company’s operations, but also for each household and all businesses consuming the utilities being provided by GEBE. “In the cases of those customers who are not making any payments, this will add up to amounts that will require stricter collection measures. In an effort to prevent that, consumers are urged to stay up to date with their bill payments,” says GEBE’s Temporary Manager Troy Washington.

  “Customers are hereby reminded to make all outstanding payments (for March – September 2022) if they have not done so already…  As mentioned previously, NV GEBE remains dedicated to powering the entire community of St. Maarten with reliable electricity and water supply on a continual basis. Therefore, customers are urged to uphold their responsibility to pay, at least, the average monthly consumption. The timely payment of bills helps to ensure the sustainable operations of St. Maarten’s sole utility company, which, consequently, serves everyone’s benefit. We all rely on the continuous supply of electricity and water. With community support, particularly with the fulfilment of our respective obligations, NV GEBE shall continue to efficiently power the community of St. Maarten,” stated Washington.

  The company said as it focuses on updating the company’s billing systems, consumer data, and administration processes, some customers may have questions and/or concerns. Customers who may not have received a bill or, have any billing concerns are urged to contact GEBE via the help desk at: (721) 546-1100/546-1160, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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, WhatsApp: +1721-588-3117 or, at the Philipsburg/Simpson Bay branch offices.

   GEBE said updates with additional details on various relevant matters will be provided.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/50-clients-who-received-correct-bills-not-compliant


  1. The statement that all bills are correct is a big lie!
    Because the IT systems were blocked for months, all bills are estimations.
    There is no proof that delivery of services was done to that amount.
    No proof, no need for payment.

    GEBE shall loose any juridical procedure, just because they falsificated customer data.

    Unfortunately nothing has changed for the poor people of our island.
    The Daniel witch was changed for the Washington crook.
    No need to think that the politicians will be of any help. They are, as always, busy with collecting as much bribes as possible in the period they are in office.