9.5M-euro repair programme under way for all the schools | THE DAILY HERALD

MARIGOT–The Collectivité has announced the start of a 9.5-million-euro renovation programme for some seventeen schools throughout the summer, now that the current school year has ended. Two million euros of emergency repair work had already been spent after the hurricanes, so that some schools could start on November 6.

The process for soliciting the bids has been completed and work can now start with the schools closed. Some 95 per cent of the Collectivité’s buildings were damaged. Among the badly-damaged buildings were 20 schools, including three that were destroyed; Nina Duverly School in Marigot, Emile Larmonie Primary School, and Soualiga Collège in Cul-de-Sac.

The only elementary schools to have completed the 2017-18 school year with the introduction of rotating timetables were Jérôme Beaupère nursery school and Aline Hanson primary school, both in Sandy Ground. The Collectivité was able to find solutions for the other institutions. It should be noted that the school administration has agreed to the installation of prefabricated classrooms that will be set up this summer. Fondation de France will deliver the four additional classrooms for the September school year start.

The Collectivité reminded that the budget of 33 million euros, evaluated by the State for the reconstruction of the schools in St. Martin, was finally reduced to 15 million during the Inter-Ministerial Meeting of March 2018. The Collectivité was expected to repair 17 schools and rebuild one collège and two schools, while a single collège costs on average 20 million euros, and a school an average of 4 million euros.

The President of the Collectivité and his vice-president in charge of education Annick Pétrus, have made it a priority to do everything possible to ensure that the next school year in September takes place under optimal conditions. Therefore 9.5 million euros was released from the Collectivité’s budget. Work will start on the reconstruction and repairs of 17 schools still standing this July and August. The work will consist of the renovation of roofs, joinery, electricity, painting and fencing. The Collectivité will soon communicate on the progress of each school.

Regarding sports facilities, a rehabilitation programme was launched by First Vice-President Valérie Damaseau. The Collectivité has opted for the rehabilitation of the sports hall in Jean-Louis Vanterpool stadium, which will be ready for the start of the September school year and will be able to host school sports (basketball – volleyball – badminton – handball and football).

The stadium will be ready with a rehabilitation of the pitch and the roof of the bleachers. The island’s sports facilities will be delivered between September and November. Following the compulsory building control phase and the asbestos diagnosis, Galisbay Omnisports Hall will have to be demolished. A first phase will consist of demolishing the roof in July.

President Gibbs and all the elected members of the Territorial Council thank all the students and their families, but also the educational community for the understanding and patience they have shown during this disrupted school year. The President and his vice-president are doing everything possible during the two months of holidays to carry out these works for return to school under the best conditions on Monday, September 03.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/78390-9-5m-euro-repair-programme-under-way-for-all-the-schools