Academy open house attracts large crowd

A section of the audience at the Academy open house.

CUL DE SAC–More than 200 parents as well as pupils preparing to write the upcoming Foundation Based Education (FBE) Exit Exams attended the open house hosted by St. Maarten Academy on Thursday, February 2.

  The open house began with a short programme in the school’s courtyard and concluded with several guided group tours.

  “St. Maarten Academy has a rich history as the largest and oldest secondary school on the island where English is the language of instruction. Beyond our academic achievements, we have garnered many awards in essay, debate, sports, and art competitions,” Principal Tallulah Baly-Vanterpool told attendees. A presentation was also made on Academy’s expectations, curriculum, culture and achievements. She encouraged parents and the 6 grade students to work towards attaining a combined average score of 70 per cent or higher to gain admission into Form 1 at Academy.

  Academy form 1 students receive 14 subjects: Art, Care, Civics, Dutch, English Language and Literature, French, Guidance and Mentoring, Information Technology, Integrated Science, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education, Social Studies and Spanish.

  “At the St. Maarten Academy, we don’t only work to excel academically; we also work towards shaping character, promoting leadership and civic responsibility,” the principal said.

  Several Academy students including Kevin Lambert, Ashar Gumbs, Aimee Monchery and the 1A2 Quartet, performed renditions for the audience. Faculty members and support staff were also introduced. After the general session, current CSEC and CAPE students gave participants guided campus tours to the school’s Art Room, Library, Gym and several classes, where faculty members and students showcased what is offered in their departments: Information Technology, Science, Modern Languages, Social Sciences, Dutch, English and Business.

  “We strive to create an atmosphere at our school where anyone can walk in and be greeted by a welcoming environment and say to themselves, ‘There is something special going on here! Learning is taking place here,’” Baly-Vanterpool said. She added that “St. Maarten Academy continues to excel academically. This year, we graduated the largest class of 106 CSEC students and 17 CAPE Students, with a 100 per cent high school passes and 90 per cent college passes. Fourteen out of 17 CAPE students received their CAPE Associate degree, two diplomas and one, a certificate.”

  St. Maarten Academy is a diverse and accredited school with an average of 500 students. 

Source: The Daily Herald