Aid available for educational, cultural, or sports exchanges | THE DAILY HERALD

MARIGOT–The Préfecture of St. Martin and St. Barths is calling for projects where financial assistance can be obtained for the travel of young people engaged in sports, cultural or educational programmes.

Assistance with travel expenses comes from grants from Fonds d’ Echanges à But Educatif, Culturel, et Sportif (FEBECS). It concerns help with related cost of transport for occasional journeys related to cultural programmes, language stays, competitions or sporting events and is aimed exclusively ay young people under the age of 30.

This may involve travel within the metropolitan area of France or within the region. The request is valid for one or more journeys in 2018.

The travel assistance request will be written on a CERFA n°12156-05 (downloadable) form and addressed to DJSCS of Guadeloupe (323, Boulevard du Général de Gaulle, 97100 Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe) or by e-mail at

A bank account number must be enclosed. Project information must include the following: Purpose of travel, the destination, number of young people (under 30) concerned, number of supervisors, and cost of the trip, estimate or invoice.

If several trips are planned, each will be the subject of a project form. It is recommended to make one project sheet per trip.

The deadline for the return of applications is August 31. A commission chaired by the Préfète of St. Barth and St. Martin will close the list of selected projects in early September.

For more information, contact Françoise Krynsky, DRJSCS Guadeloupe, 323 Boulevard du Général de Gaulle, 97100 Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe. Tel: (0590) 81. 01. 06.

Source: The Daily Herald