All 111 election candidates have to register donations received | THE DAILY HERALD

PHILIPSBURG–The 111 candidates who participated in the January 9 snap parliamentary election are required to record all donations received in cash, cheque or in kind, in accordance with the National Ordinance on Registration and Finances of Political Parties.

These records must be submitted to the Electoral Council before February 10, the Council said in a press release on Wednesday.

Candidates will be able to complete their register of donations via an online database the council has established for this purpose. Each candidate will soon receive an email with username and password and instructions on how to access the database to be able to complete the registration digitally.

The Electoral Council advises all party boards to carefully monitor donations received by their candidates and – when necessary – to assist their candidates with the accurate registration of donations.

Each candidate is required to date and sign his/her donations register and to certify that this has been completed accurately and truthfully. Non-compliance with or violation of the National Ordinance on Registration and Finances of Political Parties is subject to penalty.

Additional information can be obtained from the Electoral Council during opening hours at tel. 543-9888 or by email to

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Source: The Daily Herald