Amuseum Naturalis reopens for new 2019-2020 season | THE DAILY HERALD

Amuseum Naturalis has welcomed over 6,000 visitors to The Old House over the last year.

Over 300 people have volunteered to help build Amuseum Naturalis.

MARIGOT–Amuseum Naturalis has reopened after its break and is ready to receive visitors. The free museum of St. Martin’s nature, heritage and culture is open Tuesday to Saturday from 9:00am to 12:00noon.

The Amuseum is located at The Old House in French Quarter, on the hill above Galion Beach. Amuseum visitors of all ages enjoy special exhibits, gardens, viewpoints and fun activities.

“We’re very excited to announce our fall reopening!” said Jenn Yerkes, President of Les Fruits de Mer, the association behind the Amuseum. “We invite everyone to come visit the Amuseum. If you’re a teacher or youth group leader, please get in touch to schedule a free visit!”

Amuseum Naturalis opened at The Old House on July 22, 2018. Since then, the Amuseum has had over 6,000 visitors. Over 2,000 youngsters visited with schools, youth groups and summer camps.

Amuseum Naturalis is a free museum of the nature, history and culture of St. Martin and the Caribbean, created by the Les Fruits de Mer association. It is an all-volunteer project, and over 300 people have spent over 5,000 hours to create and operate the Amuseum.

Upcoming events at the Amuseum include a volunteer day from 9:00am to noon on Saturday, October 19, with lunch served afterwards. The seventh annual Migratory Bird Festival will be held at the Amuseum on November 9.

Amuseum Naturalis is open Tuesday to Saturday, and admission is free to all. More information and a map are available at

Les Fruits de Mer is a non-profit association based in St. Martin whose core mission is to raise awareness about nature, culture, and sport. The organization carries out this mission through publications, an education program, and special public outreach events that entertain, inspire, and inform. The association is currently accepting new member and corporate benefactor member applications on its website

Source: The Daily Herald