Rolando Brison (left) and Rhoda Arrindell.
PHILIPSBURG–Former Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport (ECYS) and current number five candidate on the United People’s (UP) party slate, Rhoda Arrindell presented a paper entitled “Road to Independence” to UP party leader Rolando Brison on Thursday.
This paper outlines her vision for the island’s independence and she hopes it can be incorporated into UP’s political manifesto.
According to Brison, the creation of UP’s platform has been a team effort, with candidates contributing based on how their causes fit with the direction of the party. “The UP party is certainly in favour of moving toward more autonomy for the island, with independence being the ultimate goal,” he said.
Arrindell remains steadfast in her belief that independence is the only status in which the people of St. Maarten can realise their full potential.
“Two constitutional referenda in six years and almost 20 years since the last one, the issue of the constitutional status of St. Maarten continues to defy a satisfactory resolution.
“We have tried all the various options over the years, with the exception of integration into the Netherlands like the BES islands [Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba – Ed.], and now realise that independence is the only way for our people to realise their full potential, and for St. Maarten to take its rightful place among the sovereign nations of the world.
“Independence is a natural progression for a colonised people. As a matter of fact, the first and most important task of any political organisation in a colony is to seek political freedom for its people.
“It is not natural for a people to choose to have another people from another country, another continent, and another culture to be in charge of their destiny and make decisions that affect their very survival, often without their voluntary consent,” said Arrindell.
The proposal includes several concrete steps to be taken on the road to independence, among them a referendum in which the people will be consulted on the matter.
More information about the independence proposal will be available in UP’s manifesto and on Arrindell’s website, according to a press release.
Brison said on Thursday that the party’s manifesto should be published by this weekend.
Source: The Daily Herald
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