Association of Mayors collects 364,354 euros for St. Martin

MARIGOT–President Daniel Gibbs and Vice-President Yawo Nyuiadzi received on Monday, at Hotel de la Collectivité, a delegation from the Association des Maires de France de la Guadeloupe, led by its President Jean-Pierre Pioche, Mayor of Désirade and a delegation from the Association des Maires de France de la Martinique led by its President Maurice Bonte Mayor of Ajoupa Bouillon.

The mayors came to St. Martin to make the donations to the community. 105,871 euros was collected by the Martinique association, and 258,483 euros collected by Guadeloupe from municipalities and inter-municipalities in France.

President Gibbs said he was very touched by the generous gesture on the part of the French communes towards St. Martin following the passage of Hurricane Irma.
“On behalf of the Collectivité of St. Martin and its people, I would like to thank you most sincerely,” he said. “Please convey my thanks and best wishes to all the municipalities that have participated in this spirit of solidarity which we appreciate highly.”
As agreed between the partners, an agreement was signed with each of the two associations to direct the use of the funds towards targeted reconstruction projects.

Thus, donations collected by Guadeloupe will be allocated to the reconstruction of the Lycée polyvalent des Îles du Nord de Marigot, while donations collected by Martinique will be allocated to the reconstruction of the Omer Arrondell school and the Collège de Quartier d’Orléans.

Following the exchanges, the two delegations were invited on a field visit led by the Third Vice-President in charge of Education Annick Pétrus who took them to the three schools that will receive the donations as well as taking time to show them the damage to public infrastructure.

Source: The Daily Herald