DH editorial: At the expense of others

Allowing an SZV patient who caused some damage at the place he was staying for medical care in the Dominican Republic and spent insurance money on non-health-related matters to be operated on in Colombia (see related article) was the right thing to do. Of course, the person involved should be held accountable for the financial loss, but ultimately denying a client the surgery he needs is not an appropriate punishment.

As attorney Cor Merx put it, everyone deserves a second chance and, also considering it regards the victim of an acid attack, a humane solution had to be found. Repayment of the misspent funds can be tackled after recovery.

The SZV management ought to be commended for showing some compassion.

This doesn’t mean incorrect and unacceptable behaviour by people sent abroad for advanced treatment and/or their companion will be tolerated in the future, nor should it be.

After all, that possibility is not something to be jeopardised at the expense of others. 
Source: Daily Herald
At the expense of others