Avenir organises first run of the season on Sunday

MARIGOT—Avenir Sportif Club will organise its first run after the summer break, the 15th edition of Foulées de la Rentrée, this coming Sunday morning September 25 at the Omnisports Hall, Galis Bay, at 7:00am.

  The 5K run is open to all participants, licensed or unlicensed, from 13 years old and up.

  The course starts from the Omnisports Hall, proceeding towards Marina Fort Louis, waterfront, Boulevard de France, cemetery, tourism office roundabout,  Rue President Kennedy, Lowtown, Bellevue, Rue de Hollande, Agrément roundabout, and finish at the Omnisports Hall.

  A medical certificate not older than three months authorising participation in the event is required from all participants. There is no exception to this as it is the only valid legal document for these events.

  Registration for Sunday’s race is on Saturday September 24, 2016, from 3:00pm to 6:00pm in the Omnisports Hall. Entry fee is 5 euros or US $7.

  The Club reminds the public that it is always possible, upon presentation of the necessary documents, to purchase an FAA license for one year which offers insurance for athletic meets, training sessions, or other competitions.

  Application is possible at the Albéric Richards Stadium during the Club’s training days. The list of documents needed will be posted on the Facebook page of the club.

  In conclusion the club recommends everyone; seasoned athletes, beginners, or casual weekend warriors, to have a medical examination before engaging in any sporting or leisure activity.

  For more information contact: Patrick Trival (0690) 75. 16. 85 or email: [email protected]/* */

Source: Daily Herald
Avenir organises first run of the season on Sunday