Back to school in pictures | THE DAILY HERALD

These youngsters appeared to be happy to be in school on Monday.


 The unpaved pathway leading from St. Peters to Sister Magda School was muddy due to the heavy downpour on Monday, resulting in parents who used the pathway to have to trek through mud to take their children to school. This person decided to carry a pupil on her back to prevent the child from getting messy on the first day of the new school year.

A teacher welcomes pupils back to school on the first day of the new academic year Monday.


St. Dominic High students excited to be back in school.

St. Dominic Primary principal Janice Mussington consoling this young boy who was crying on Monday.

This St. Dominic Primary pupil wept openly in class on Monday.

Traffic on L.B. Scott Road moved at a snail’s pace on the first day of the new school year Monday.

Source: The Daily Herald