Badly parked vehicles at Mullet Bay will be towed | THE DAILY HERALD

Vehicles will be removed at the driver’s expense, police warned.


MULLET BAY–Confronted with the problem of motorists parking their vehicles along Rhine Road and proceeding to Mullet Bay Beach, St. Maarten Police Force KPSM sent a warning to the public.

  “This illegal parking dangerously hinders the emergency services. It also has a negative effect on residents and visitors who make use of this roadway for various reasons,” KPSM stated.

  Drivers who leave their vehicles on the roadside are warned that in the interest of general safety and free flow of traffic, their vehicles will be removed from alongside the road at their expense.

  Car rental companies are advised to notify their clients that if they leave their rental car parked on Rhine Road, they risk being towed, police said.

Source: The Daily Herald