Officials and teachers of New Challenges Foundation (NCF) and Gwendoline van Putten secondary school.
ST. EUSTATIUS–The Inspector of Education conducted a study on New Challenges Foundation (NCF), the executive agent on behalf of the local government for the execution of the Youth Social Opportunity Programme (second-chance education) on aspects of the quality of education and compliance with legislation and regulations in March, said NCF Director Francine Foe.
In the Inspector’s opinion NCF’s programme meets the requirements of basic quality. Gwendoline van Putten (GvP) school, responsible for the education of the labour market qualified assistant MBO-AKA, in collaboration with NCF, has also met the requirements for basic quality, she added.
The offers of educational programmes are tailored to individual educational needs and possibilities of the individual student. These customized paths, Foe said, have been determined on clear and realistic future perspectives. “The education, guidance and internships of students form a consistent whole and are of sufficient quality,” Foe said.
NCF already have met the requirements for basic quality in the following aspects: In 2014 for guidance, intake/placement, student career counselling and care and in 2016 for coherence/customization, didactic action, learning time/learning environment and internships.
This year they acquired basic qualification in quality assurance and management insight into the quality of education, according to Foe.
GvP school also met the requirements for basic quality, she added. “All aspects of quality are assessed as satisfactory and these are examination tools, assessment and certification, coherence, intake/placement, student career counselling, care, didactic actions and apprenticeship.
“A strong point of the training according to the Inspector is the didactic action. This quality aspect has improved significantly since last year and can be considered a good example. The NCF teachers have a strong pedagogical relationship with their students and know how to motivate and activate them with varied working methods,” said Foe.
The cooperation GVP and NCF results in an “unambiguous view among teachers and supervisors on interactive education and on the guidance and treatment of students. The cooperation with NCF thus appears to be a workable solution. The teachers and the supervisors of NCF already had experience with the target group and proved capable of working quickly into the qualification file of the training,” the Inspector was quoted as saying.
Source: The Daily Herald
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