Bobby’s Marina impressed with TEATT at FCCA meet

Bobby’s Marina owner Bobby Velasquez during this year’s FCCA conference in Mexico. 


MEXICO–Management of Bobby’s Marina was impressed by the hard work and efforts of the St. Maarten delegation at the recently-concluded Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA) conference in Mexico.

  The ​FCCA ​Conference ​was ​a four-day ​event ​designed ​to ​foster ​better ​understanding ​of ​the ​inner ​workings ​of ​the ​cruise ​industry and help attendees improve their cruise-tourism business.

  Through ​specialised ​forums that blend meetings and workshops with social functions, attendees have a unique opportunity to develop relationships with, promote products to and learn from approximately 100 executives of FCCA’s 19 member lines who decide where ships call, what is sold and used onboard and how to invest in destinations and infrastructure.

 “All things considered, we are fortunate to get commitments from big players to return to our destination so soon. The early December return of Royal Caribbean is good timing for all stakeholders,” said long-time local businessman and owner of Bobby’s Marina Bobby Velasquez, a Platinum member of the FCCA.

  “I was impressed and continue to be impressed by the resiliency and poise shown by the delegation as they engaged with cruise executives throughout this week. I have been coming to this conference for over 20 years, and I must say I believe we have a strong team representing the island here,” Velasquez told The Daily Herald on Thursday.

  He highlighted the importance of not rushing the restart of cruise tourism. Consideration has to be given to, for example, the safety of the operations of tenders within the Great Bay area in particular, as well as water sports activities. It may be good to double- and triple-check the situation at hand and the cruise partners all showed a good understanding of needing to give St. Maarten time to make these finishing touches, according to the businessman. 

  “Any professional in the industry should know the long-term value of the product we have. I’m happy that the team here made the well-thought decision to discuss a more conservative date for the restart of cruise vessels returning to the island,” he stated.

  Bobby’s Marina hopes to launch its tender services in time for the new cruise reopening date, as well as its other tours, including the water-based airport excursions. However, the importance of being innovative and creating new products is also very crucial.

  “Although we just came out of a very difficult situation, it doesn’t mean we should sit still. We must invent new experiences as well for the consumer. We must not just rebuild, but we must rebuild better, smarter, more memorable experiences than ever for our guests. We will do our part in creating such products for many years to come,” Velasquez said. 

Source: The Daily Herald