Buncampers to make land available for agriculture | THE DAILY HERALD

MP Claudius “Toontje” Buncamper.

PHILIPSBURG–In an effort to boost agriculture in the country, the Buncampers will be making a plot of land available to help in the development of this industry in St. Maarten.

United St. Maarten Party (US Party) Member of Parliament (MP) Claudius “Toontje” Buncamper made the announcement during a meeting of the Central Committee of Parliament on the St. Maarten Stimulus and Relief Plan on Tuesday.

While questioning Finance Minister Ardwell Irion during the meeting, Buncamper said government should put some start-up capital in place for agriculture. He said there are known agricultural groups on island who can use this to take on farming a little better and to further it. He said the Buncamper family is looking into the family making a significant portion of land available in “the backlands” so that agriculture can take place and the country can start building a base for agriculture.

When asked by this newspaper where the land is located, what quantity of land will be given and to whom the land will be provided, Buncamper said the family is now working on the initiative and when it is ready, the information will be made public. He said, however, that the land is located from the Guana Bay to Pointe Blanche area from the seaside to the top of the hill. He also said the Buncampers want to do it as a family and not by him as a politician.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/buncampers-to-make-land-available-for-agriculture