Vice President of the Collectivité Bernadette Davis (third left) talks to a class of Lycée students at Cité Scolaire Robert Weinum at the launch of an awareness campaign on sorting waste and recycling. Looking on are Director of Environment, Water and Energy Laurent Guillaume (left), Chargée de Mission Anaëlle Rapy (second left), Davis, Lycée Principal Olivier Saunier (second right) and Vice Recteur representative Stéphanie Brouwers (right). (Robert Luckock photo)
MARIGOT–Second Vice President of the Collectivité in charge of the living environment (cadre de vie) Bernadette Davis visited Robert Weinum High School on Monday to raise awareness among students about waste sorting. This is an initiative encouraged by the Collectivité to change behaviour towards a cleaner island.
Alongside Vice President Davis were Vice-Recteur’s representative Stéphanie Brouwers in charge of Education and Sustainable Development in schools, Lycée Principal Olivier Saunier and Sebastien Cathala, teacher in charge of sustainable development at the school. Together they made the students aware of the importance of sorting waste.
Davis then met with members of the press to inform them of the launch of the public awareness campaign on waste sorting, following the installation of 330 new sorting bins in busy areas and in schools.
Beforehand, Director of Environment, Water and Energy Laurent Guillaume and Anaëlle Rapy, Chargée de Mission and Waste Management Officer for the Collectivité, presented to the students and their teacher the environmental issues linked to household waste and the importance of sorting.
As mentioned by Davis, the Collectivité has decided to act and to reinforce public resources in terms of cleanliness and waste management. Concrete actions are being carried out to achieve this, through the installation of new equipment, awareness-raising among the general public and messages addressed to the younger generation. Emphasis was placed on the three Rs: “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.”
The population must do its part by respecting the instructions for depositing household waste between 6:00pm and 11:00pm every evening in the large black and orange bins (waste must be deposited in closed bins). The public must also begin to invest in the systematic sorting of glass and plastic waste, cardboard and packaging, in compliance with sorting gestures taught.
The new city recycling bins (green, orange, yellow) should be used for this purpose. The three bins are emptied every day by the Collectivité’s services, the waste is then sorted at the Grandes Cayes ecosite. In the long term, a collection and recycling system specifically dedicated to these new bins will be set up and operated by a service provider.
In addition, the Collectivité will finalise the installation of 250 new bins for separating glass and plastic. These new bins will be deployed throughout the territory by September 2023, complementing the existing bins.
Finally, the Collectivité has scheduled the installation of 15 new voluntary collection points for green waste and bulky items throughout the territory. These collection points will be operational from September 2023. The Collectivité is counting on its citizens to hear these messages and to act collectively to promote recycling in the region.
Vice President of the Collectivité Bernadette Davis (third left) talks to a class of Lycée students at Cité Scolaire Robert Weinum at the launch of an awareness campaign on sorting waste and recycling. Looking on are Director of Environment, Water and Energy Laurent Guillaume (left), Chargée de Mission Anaëlle Rapy (second left), Davis, Lycée Principal Olivier Saunier (second right) and Vice Recteur representative Stéphanie Brouwers (right). (Robert Luckock photo)
Campaign launched at Lycée
to encourage waste sorting
MARIGOT–Second Vice President of the Collectivité in charge of the living environment (cadre de vie) Bernadette Davis visited Robert Weinum High School on Monday to raise awareness among students about waste sorting. This is an initiative encouraged by the Collectivité to change behaviour towards a cleaner island.
Alongside Vice President Davis were Vice-Recteur’s representative Stéphanie Brouwers in charge of Education and Sustainable Development in schools, Lycée Principal Olivier Saunier and Sebastien Cathala, teacher in charge of sustainable development at the school. Together they made the students aware of the importance of sorting waste.
Davis then met with members of the press to inform them of the launch of the public awareness campaign on waste sorting, following the installation of 330 new sorting bins in busy areas and in schools.
Beforehand, Director of Environment, Water and Energy Laurent Guillaume and Anaëlle Rapy, Chargée de Mission and Waste Management Officer for the Collectivité, presented to the students and their teacher the environmental issues linked to household waste and the importance of sorting.
As mentioned by Davis, the Collectivité has decided to act and to reinforce public resources in terms of cleanliness and waste management. Concrete actions are being carried out to achieve this, through the installation of new equipment, awareness-raising among the general public and messages addressed to the younger generation. Emphasis was placed on the three Rs: “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.”
The population must do its part by respecting the instructions for depositing household waste between 6:00pm and 11:00pm every evening in the large black and orange bins (waste must be deposited in closed bins). The public must also begin to invest in the systematic sorting of glass and plastic waste, cardboard and packaging, in compliance with sorting gestures taught.
The new city recycling bins (green, orange, yellow) should be used for this purpose. The three bins are emptied every day by the Collectivité’s services, the waste is then sorted at the Grandes Cayes ecosite. In the long term, a collection and recycling system specifically dedicated to these new bins will be set up and operated by a service provider.
In addition, the Collectivité will finalise the installation of 250 new bins for separating glass and plastic. These new bins will be deployed throughout the territory by September 2023, complementing the existing bins.
Finally, the Collectivité has scheduled the installation of 15 new voluntary collection points for green waste and bulky items throughout the territory. These collection points will be operational from September 2023. The Collectivité is counting on its citizens to hear these messages and to act collectively to promote recycling in the region.
Source: The Daily Herald
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