Care course

The housekeeping staff of Queen Beatrix Medical Centre on St. Eustatius received their official accreditation after a week-long course aimed at bring the centre up to a higher standard. Health Care Foundation Director Gerard Berkel commended the staff and course facilitator Pascaal Driessen. Receiving certificates in the domestic department were Shirma Dinzey with the highest score of 9.5, Sonaida Dinzey, Romilda van Putten Schmidt, Marilyn Plunket-Dinzey, Janice Courtar, and Asha Redan, and from the kitchen Margriet Harrigan, Zaida Euson, and Millicent Simmons and Olive Harrigan from laundry department. This training and accreditation were the first of its kind in this part of the Caribbean.

Source: The Daily Herald