A scene from last year’s career fair
BELAIR–The annual Career and Study Fair will be held at the Belair Community Centre on Tuesday, November 5, under the theme: “What you do today can improve your tomorrows”.
Pre-exam and exam students of all secondary schools on the island will be accommodated from 9:00am to 1:30pm. The fair will be open to the public from 3:00 to 6:00pm. The organising committee urges the public to take advantage of this opportunity.
Representatives from Curaçao, Aruba, Bonaire, Anguilla, the United States and the Netherlands will be on hand to share information about their academic institutions and services. As studying in the region is being promoted by all the former Netherlands Antilles islands, colleges and universities in Curaçao, Aruba and Bonaire will be “fully on board”.
In addition, local educational institutions such as University of St. Martin (USM), representatives of Student Support Services Division, National Institute for Professional Advancement (NIPA), the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme and the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Exams (CAPE) will be in attendance to provide information to the public regarding their services.
There will also be local businesses and organisations in attendance at the fair sharing information about their organisations and any opportunities for students who are interested in obtaining work at their organisations.
“The committee is grateful for the businesses and colleges that have confirmed their participation in this event. The information that will be disseminated will be helpful to not only the youth of Country St. Maarten, but to anyone who would like to further their education, when deciding what their next step in life would be. Attendees are encouraged to use this opportunity to obtain more information on a particular career they might be interested in,” committee officials said in a press release on Friday.
“This annual event promises to be very informative and serves to support the decision-making process in furthering one’s education and or career path.”
The general public is invited to come out and benefit from the information and advice that will be made available. Parents and/or guardians are encouraged to visit the fair.
For more information visit the Facebook page: St. Maarten Career & Study Fair.
Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/92027-career-and-study-fair-set-for-nov-5
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