Carnival registration is open until December 1

Revellers enjoying the 2017 Carnival Parade. 


PHILIPSBURG–St. Maarten Carnival Development Foundation (SCDF) reminded the public on Monday that registration is still open for Carnival 2018 until December 1. SCDF normally closes registration on November 1, but extended it to December 1 to give persons affected by the hurricanes more time.

  As usual, SCDF opened registration for Carnival 2018 on September 1, giving stakeholders three months to register. Registration can only be done via the SCDF website under the “registration” tab at the top of the site.

  Registration is open for booth-holders, bands, troupes, season passes and the Road March competition. Once the registration period closes, it will be at the discretion of the SCDF board whether any stakeholder can participate in Carnival activities.

  “We urge everyone who is interested in participating in Carnival to please visit our website and register before it’s too late. Once registration closes, we move to the next level of Carnival preparations and it becomes almost impossible to get in once that process is underway. So please take the time to register,” SCDF said in its statement Monday.

  Payment for booths and season passes can commence as of Saturday, December 2. SCDF’s office on Illidge Road above the Windward Islands Bank branch will be open from that date, 10:00am to 5:00pm Monday through Friday for Carnival business.

  More information about the season passes will be released soon, according to SCDF. 

Source: The Daily Herald