CBA celebrates the school’s 2nd graduation with a 100% pass rate | THE DAILY HERALD

Brandon Davis.


Jeremiah David.

Chanel Almonte de los Santos.

CAY HILL–Charlotte Brookson Academy (CBA) for the Performance Arts saw thirteen students successfully graduate with a 100 per cent pass rate during a ceremony at the Belair Community Centre in Cay Hill last Saturday evening.

Family, friends, CBA faculty and staff joined proud graduates to celebrate the culmination of their academic achievements.

Valedictorians for the graduation classes were Chanel Almonte de Los Santos for science and Brandon Francis for business. Jeremiah David was the graduation class Salutatorian. Both the valedictorians and the salutatorian delivered addresses during the ceremony.

David said in his address: “Class of 2019, the day is finally here, the day when we celebrate all the hard work that we have done over the course of our CBA journey. The day when we accept our diplomas, flip our tassels and officially become the second graduating class of the Charlotte Brookson Academy of the Performance Arts.

“Despite the whispers and disbelievers, we are here with a 100 per cent passing rate and a list of more other accomplishments. Know that this is not your end but the beginning of grander things, creating legendary and proving to those who have guided us and loved us over these short but life-changing years that their efforts were not in vain.”

Almonte de Los Santos was also named most outstanding student. Marie Fidel-Balthazar received Excellence in Leadership and delivered the Vote of Thanks.

Speakers at the graduation ceremony included CBA Director Claudette Forsythe-Labega, who delivered the keynote address.

In her address she gave a special recognition to the parents of the graduates. “I give you accolades, for it is not easy to be a good parent in this society of ours and in this day and age. It is even more difficult to parent a teenager,” she said.

“A school that had no resting place. A school that went from shelter to shelter before it could settle down on Cannegieter Street. I would like to thank you for your faith in the dream.”

She also presented the graduating class with a challenge. She encouraged the graduates to internalise excellence and to make it part of who they are.

“Take on the responsibility of being an example and a leader in the pursuit of excellence in St. Maarten and to lead by example,” she said. “Take on the responsibility of making excellence your legacy. I am throwing out a challenge here tonight to continue pursuing excellence in educating yourselves. Broaden your horizons, and during your studies observe the manner in which excellence is pursued in other parts of the world.”

Caretaker Minster of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Ardwell Irion also congratulated the graduating class.

Students delighted the audience with a special performance. Local music artiste King Vers served as the Master of Ceremonies for the event.

Source: The Daily Herald