Angèle Dormoy
MARIGOT–President of the Chamber of Commerce Angèle Dormoy has welcomed the extension of the partial activity scheme as announced by the State.
Minister of Labour Muriel Pénicaud announced the official increase of the annual number of compensable hours per employee on partial activity to 1,600 hours (instead of 1000) for the year 2018.
The announcement was made by means of ministerial decree on May 2, 2018, thus extending the plan set up after Irma.
“The St. Martin Chamber welcomes this declaration with great satisfaction and deems the change indispensable for the survival of St. Martin businesses and the preservation of local employment,” Dormoy said in statement. “These measures are indeed a breath of fresh air, admittedly temporary, but it is up to us to take advantage of them to ensure the long-term reconstruction of our economic fabric; one of the Chamber’s main focuses in its mission to support the business community.
“The Chamber intends to continue developing the cycle of meetings dedicated to socio-professionals in order to best support them in understanding and using the various policies at their disposal, such as the one related to the partial activity, she added. “The St. Martin Chamber is always available to inform and guide the local business community.”
Source: The Daily Herald
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