Charter is for everyone, says Curaçao governor | THE DAILY HERALD

A toast to King Willem Alexander.

WILLEMSTAD–Curaçao Governor Lucille George-Wout used her speech in connection with King's Day to reflect on the importance of the Kingdom Charter for all inhabitants. The document that will exist seventy years on December 15, 2024, “is not primarily for politicians, our government or administrators, let alone the governor, but precisely to provide protection and legal certainty to all Kingdom citizens,” she said.

The governor described the charter as special, “particularly considering the Kingdom's troubled history due to slavery and the colonial period which continued for a long time afterwards.” As a result, according to her, “it may not have been immediately obvious that we would remain connected as countries and communities. And yet it is so,” George-Wout noted in her speech.

“The Netherlands and the Netherlands Antilles – together with Suriname at the time – joined the establishment of the charter. The preamble states that they “entered the Kingdom of the Netherlands of their own free will.

“All Kingdom partners accepted a new legal order in which they independently promote their own interests, care for common interests on an equal basis and provide mutual assistance to each other. In fact, this was confirmed again in 2010 when Curaçao obtained the status of autonomous country within the Kingdom.”

The governor further reflected on the significance of creating of charter, regarded as an historical moment. She noted that there was still some discussion and confusion about this in the community, while others are questioning the choice of the 1954 charter.

“The latter is, of course, allowed in a democracy, such as the one we live in. But it should be remembered that that choice was based on an early but wise realisation that communities working together are stronger than alone.”

The Kingdom of the Netherlands, as laid down in the charter, is an arrangement that can only be explained from the past. “It was created by the common will to make drastic changes to previous relations. That is, of course, a learning process for all parties up to

the present day, what our Kingdom and all four countries that are part of it have done for almost 70 years. The will to stand by one another has been expressed in various ways and there is much to be proud of.”

George-Wout mentioned the importance of marking the anniversary. “Indeed we must celebrate, because despite the difficulties we experience in that common context, we are increasingly able to make the collaboration a success.”

“This happens in fits and starts and is, of course, accompanied by differences of opinion regarding principles and goals to be pursued; and also differences in interests complicate the matter. But if we all manage to rise above that, then we are able to find solutions within the framework of the charter, I'm convinced.”

The governor wondered aloud where Curaçao would be as a country without the charter. “I hate to think about how we could in today's world, with opposing geopolitical powers and ditto forces – literally and figuratively – keep our heads above water here. The risks and threats are real.”

George-Wout admitted that Curaçao as a country attaches great importance to its autonomy and the desire to manage and shape its own affairs. “I also value that! But then we must actually do that, for all citizens of our country. And honesty commands me to say that we could often use some help with that.

“And fortunately that is also offered, in association with the Kingdom. Because what is that autonomy without protection, without safety and legal certainty and without opportunities for development for all our citizens? The charter ensures exactly these guarantees and possibilities.”

Source: The Daily Herald