Coast Guard St. Maarten is looking for new recruits | THE DAILY HERALD

Those interested in becoming a Coast Guard officer can visit several information stands to learn about Coast Guard basic training.

PHILIPSBURG–The Dutch Caribbean Coast Guard is recruiting. All youngsters ages 18-25 years with the ambition of becoming a Coast Guard officer are invited to visit the Coast Guard Recruitment Day at Port St. Maarten on Saturday, April 15.

During the Recruitment Day candidates can receive useful information about the Coast Guard. The event will start at 10:00am with patrol vessels lined up at the dock in Pointe Blanche. Visitors will be offered a tour on the big Coast Guard cutter Poema and will get an opportunity to have a detailed look on board a Coast Guard Metal Sharks.

Those interested in becoming a Coast Guard officer can visit several information stands to learn about the Coast Guard Basic Training BOK, which consist of a one-year course. New recruits will receive education in navigation, boat boarding, sea legislation and seamanship. It is a varied training during which the students will learn a great number of disciplines.

“You learn everything you need to be able to work at the Coast Guard, after which you will work on our Metal Sharks and cutters, our fast and modern ships,” the Dutch Caribbean Coast Guard explained. “The course takes place in Curaçao and will be completed with a Coast Guard certificate of competence and an acknowledged SBO-2 level BAVPOL [extraordinary police officer – Ed.] diploma.”

Students will follow theoretical and practical modules, under two internships. “You will learn everything you need to work safely, skilled, and fit,” the Coast Guard said. “The first part of the BOK consists of mental and physical training. Team building and social skills are important components in this. Furthermore, you will learn about important rules. The programme will be very intensive in the first four weeks; you work in the evenings and weekends too.”

Those who successfully complete their basic training will get a temporary contract as a Coast Guard officer for a maximum of seven years. This includes a salary, health insurance, registration retirement fund and pension accrual, holiday pay and periodical right for aspirants from St. Maarten stationed in Curaçao to visit their family in St. Maarten.

To apply, candidates must have the Dutch nationality, be registered in St. Maarten, and have a MAVO-4 diploma, or VMBO, VSBO-TKL, LTS, T-stroom, EPI or equivalent to a high school diploma. Applicants need to be able to read and write basic Dutch, be in possession of a swimming diploma, be in good physical condition and not wear glasses or contact lenses. Finally, they need to present a certificate of good conduct.

All applicants will receive a sport, physiological and medical test. A background check is also part of the job application.

If you are interested in becoming a Coast Guard officer, you can visit the Coast Guard station at Pointe Blanche on Saturday. The Coast Guard urges new candidates to bring a valid ID, registration form of the Civil Registry and their diplomas to register at the application booth.

Source: The Daily Herald