POND ISLAND–The country’s Coat of Arms will be incorporated into the flooring at the entrance of the new Government Administration building on Pond Island.
This is one of the plans for the new building. Prime Minister William Marlin said on Wednesday the idea is to also give the entrance of the building a facelift, by upgrading the tiles.
He said the impression being created that government will re-tile the entire building is untrue, noting that 90 per cent of the tiles will remain as is. “Government only wants to change the face of the entrance. The tiles are not the best tiles on the market and we figure that the entrance of the building should look representative,” Marlin said. “We also plan to put the Coat of Arms in the flooring to give it an extra look.”
He said too, that there is not sufficient parking at the front of the building so the front of the building would be redone to accommodate parking. He also stated that a walkway will be created for pedestrians to be able to enter the new Government Administration building from the front. The walkway will be placed in the centre of the front of the building; however, vehicles will have to use the side entrance.
Marlin had said in Parliament on Tuesday that the current barbed-wire fence of the building is also expected to change.
The new Government Administration building was sold to Social Health Insurance SZV as part of an arrangement to reduce government’s debt to the insurance service provider. Once SZV completes the building, government will rent it and occupy it.
Government also has the possibility to repurchase the building from SZV in the future.
Source: Daily Herald
Coat of Arms to be incorporated into flooring new Govt. Building entrance
How come they do not mention how much it would cost and who is the contractor? The country is broke and this is how they are spending the money!