COCI urges businesses to participate in Emigration Expo 2020 in Utrecht | THE DAILY HERALD


PHILIPSBURG–The St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce and Industry (COCI) urges the business community to register to participate in “Emigration Expo 2020” – Europe’s biggest event for emigrants.

  The Expo is being held under the theme “A world of opportunities” and will take place in Expo Houten in the Dutch city of Utrecht, February 8-9.

  According to the organisers, 150,000 emigrants leave Europe to work elsewhere. This 24th edition of Emigration Expo is expected to attract approximately 200 exhibitors from two dozen countries, 340 participating organisations and 100 presentations; and 11,000 visitors from the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium.

  The website promoting the event also receives close to half a million unique visitors, which would be great exposure for a St. Maarten-based business or entrepreneur, it was stated in a press release.

  “I believe this Expo is an opportunity for the public and private sectors in search of personnel with specialised expertise that are not found on the island. It is an opportunity for St. Maarteners living in the Netherlands, Germany or Belgium who are planning to emigrate to receive information about opportunities that are available in St. Maarten post-[Hurricane – Ed.] Irma,” COCI board President Benjamin Ortega said in the release.

  “In order to present this information to the Expo visitors, you need to be present to provide that, about the services and products you offer and the expertise that you are looking for.

  “St. Maarten is currently in a rebuilding phase and there is still a lot to be done in the coming five years. The Dutch Caribbean islands will be having a stand at the Expo from where exhibitors can network with the visitors. Chamber registrants will get a special rate and I encourage the private sector to visit the website of Emigration Expo 2020 and download the information about what it is all about and the registration requirements.”

  Ortega said he believes this is another opportunity for businesses and entrepreneurs in search of personnel in a specialised area as well as St. Maarteners seeking to return, to make that contact and network about the rebuilding effort at home and how contributions can be made.

  Visitors to the Expo will learn about living, studying and working abroad as well as doing business in another country. Emigration Expo 2020 is aimed at entrepreneurs, emigrants, returning emigrants, expats, students and retirees. The exhibitors comprise companies, schools, hospitals, governments, embassies, banks, relocation companies, consultancies, tax advisors, insurance companies, real estate agents and emigration guidance companies, just to mention a few.

  For more information about Emigration Expo 2020, you can visit the website or email

Source: The Daily Herald