Collapsed retaining wall known hazard | THE DAILY HERALD

Before (left, taken December), and the collapsed wall (still of a widely shared video).

WEYMOUTH HILL–A retaining wall on Mount Scenery road, Weymouth Hill collapsed in the dark early hours of Saturday morning, after hours of scattered rain. Its collapse and resulting landslip damaged two cars, crushing one.

No injuries were reported, but the affected road – the only way in or out for about ten households – was completely blocked and debris was still being cleared by excavator by early evening.

The wall had already been in visibly deplorable condition, a known concern among residents who reported it to the Department of Infrastructure in the Ministry of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, En-vironment and Infrastructure VROMI, numerous times, since it was first improperly built around four years ago, piece by piece. It was also one of the flagged hazards reported to government at the start of the year, through Community Risk Mapping, part of an EU-funded project aimed at helping gov-ernment with disaster preparedness.

Source: The Daily Herald