Collectivité installs waste-sorting bins | THE DAILY HERALD

New sorting bins on the Marigot waterfront.


MARIGOT–The Collectivité and its service provider began installing new waste-sorting bins in the neighbourhoods, schools and sports facilities as of Monday, December 5, in the context of enacting public contracts related to selective waste-sorting. The sorting system will be deployed in its entirety from 2023.

  Some 130 sites have been chosen so far for the three bins: green for glass, yellow for plastic and packaging, and orange for other waste. A total of 250 sites are planned for this new public contract. The first sorting bins have been installed in downtown Marigot. It is planned to finalise the installation in other sectors before the end of this year.

  The contents of the sorting bins will be emptied by the service provider, which is responsible for receiving, sorting, packaging and transport of sorted waste to recycling companies. The Collectivité has signed an agreement with CITEO for the recycling of glass, plastic and packaging.

  With this action, the Collectivité and its Department of Living Environment (Cadre de Vie) headed by Second Vice President Bernadette Davis are taking a responsible approach to sustainable waste management. The population is invited to participate fully by using the selective sorting bins on a daily basis.

  It should be noted that collective waste bins (grey and orange) are reserved for household waste packed in rubbish bags. The collection of household waste takes place every evening after 11:00. Rubbish bags can be dropped off after 6:00pm. Collection of household waste and bulky items takes place seven days a week, and green waste collection six days out of seven (not Sundays).

  The Galisbay sorting centre is open to the public Monday to Saturday, 10:00am to 6:00pm, and the Grandes Cayes eco-landfill Monday to Friday, 6:00am to 4:00pm, and Saturday 6:00am to 12:00pm.

  The territory’s waste collection centres are open for the deposit of bulky items and used household appliances and are free for private individuals.

  For any request to the Environment Department email

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Source: The Daily Herald