Collectivité looking for interested garages to depollute car wrecks | THE DAILY HERALD

MARIGOT–To encourage the collection and disposal of end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) present in the territory, the Collectivité of St. Martin is launching a call for expressions of interest from garages to obtain temporary approval (decree no. 2017-1845 of 29 December 2017) to carry out vehicle depollution control operations.

The passage of Hurricane Irma on September 6 and 7, 2017, generated a very important quantity of waste in St. Martin, including vehicles that are out of use. Applicants will have to complete the form “application for derogatory approval for an ELV depollution centre.” This form and the notes summarising the obligations linked to the issue of the derogation can be downloaded from the website of the Collectivité: or from the DEAL Guadeloupe website

The form should be sent by post to Collectivité de Saint Martin, Pôle Développement Durable, Rue de la Mairie, 97150 Marigot or digitally to

The derogatory approvals will be issued, after analysis of the application (form and field visit by an inspector of classified facilities), for a maximum duration of one year by Préfectoral order.

Calendar of the call for applications: Opening of applications July 31, 2018; closure of the call for applications August 15, 2018; issuance of derogatory approvals for ELV depollution for one year on August 31.

These approvals will enable the holders to clean up ELVs as part of their professional activity or under contract with public actors, by awarding a public contract and subcontracting to a company holding a public or private contract.

A candidate that benefits from the derogatory approval will not be able to store more than five ELVs awaiting decontamination in the establishment and will have to achieve a decontamination target of three to four ELVs per day.

Candidates will be able to extract reusable components and elements from ELVs with a view to reuse, if the processing times and technical capacity of the parties involved are compatible with the pre-set processing objectives.

They will have to hand over the decontaminated ELVs to a company approved for the compacting/shredding of ELVs and the export from the territory of metallic waste, to which they will have to provide all the necessary information to the police register.

They will have to store the waste resulting from the depollution of ELVs (oils, batteries, catalytic converters, filter elements, etc.) in containers provided for this purpose and made available by an approved company to take charge of this waste.

Candidates that are granted derogatory approval may, during the period of issue, be inspected by the service in charge of inspecting classified installations to verify compliance with the specifications added to the request for derogatory approval.

Source: The Daily Herald