MARIGOT—Information help desks for the public are located in the Hotel de la Collectivité in Marigot from 8:30am to 12:00pm every day; at Cité Scolaire Robert Weinum in La Savane from 8:30am to 12:00pm every day; Sandy Ground Cultural Center, Media Library in Concordia, and St. Maximin School in French Quarter.
Two wifi/internet hot spots are available: in front of Dauphin Telecom on Rue de République, Marigot, and in Hope Estate commercial zone, Grand Case, on the side of the Cul de Sac roundabout.
Administrative documents can be obtained from the State Civil Registry in Hotel de la Collectivité from 9:00am to 12:00pm every day. Locations for medical aid are; Hotel Le Flamboyant in Baie Nettle, in Hope Estate, Grand Case, in the Simply Market car park, in the Cultural Center car park in Grand Case, and in French Quarter on the RN7 near the pharmacy.
Electricité de France (EDF) is progressing with rehabilitation of the network, and indicates in eight days from now all districts will have power directly or via a generator. The integrity of the water network is being verified before distribution can be launched in districts, where possible. It is necessary to assure the state of the network is good so as not to risk losing water when the supply is turned on. Distribution points will be installed in the districts and communicated to the population in due course.
Organisation of the drinking water and food distribution is being shared by the Collectivité and the State. Elected official Marie-Dominique Ramphort is in charge of distribution at the Galis Bay port. There are three main distribution points: the ferry terminal from 9:00am to 12:00pm; Hope Estate, Grand Case in the parking area of Aventura Mall, and French Quarter at the Gendarmerie from 9:00am to 12:00pm. Food and water is also being distributed each day in the districts. Volunteers are needed at the Galis Bay port to unload containers and load distribution trucks. Ask for Territorial Councillor Marie-Dominique Ramphort.
Special equipment will be arriving at the Galis Bay port thanks to the Région of Guadeloupe to clean out zones where waste water pipes may have become blocked. SOS Attitude are supplying emergency tents and these are due to arrive this week. A tent village will be created in Green Valley for use by those with no housing at all. To register for these tents, an office has been set up at the Department of Solidarity and Families, Rue Paul Mingau, Concordia. Registration is open from Monday, September 18, 2017, from 9:00am to 12:00pm.
For people wishing to leave the territory, the Grand Case airport-Guadeloupe connection is operational. It is also possible to leave by boat to Guadeloupe on Sunday, September 17, 2017. The boat has a capacity for 450 persons. Departure time and date to be confirmed. Registration to leave by air or boat is being done at Hotel de la Collectivité from 8:30am to 12:00pm every day, at Cité Scolaire, La Savane, from 8:30am to 12:00pm every day. For the boat transportation it is possible to bring baggage and pets. The boat is expected to leave at 8:00pm for Guadeloupe.
A vast clean-up operation is under way throughout the territory with 150 workers. A second cleaning of the St. James area, Marigot, takes place Sunday, September 17, which entails closing the road from the Bellevue roundabout from 9:00am to 4:00pm. The same hours and road closure applies to the Lowtown area of St. James to facilitate cleaning on Monday and Tuesday, September 18 and 19. People are asked to only be on the roads if they have an emergency in order to have the roads free of cars.
The deadline for filing insurance claims is October 30, 2017. This process must be done with your own insurer. For those with Allianz, two emergency numbers are available: 0800 85.15.15 or 0800 00.58.52. An internet address has also been created:
Source: The Daily Herald
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