Collectivité renews convention for tourism studies in secondary schools | THE DAILY HERALD

Academy of Guadeloupe Recteur Mostafa Fourar was in St. Martin on Monday to co-sign the renewal agreement between the Collectivité and St. Martin Tourism Office for the continuation of tourism studies for secondary school students. In photo: Signing of the renewal agreement.


MARIGOT–Recteur of the Academy of Guadeloupe Mostafa Fourar was in St. Martin on Monday to co-sign the renewal agreement between the Collectivité and St. Martin Tourism Office for the continuation of tourism studies for secondary school students.

  Basic tourism study courses combining the history of St. Martin were initiated in 2013 with volunteer teachers and have proved to be popular over the past seven years. The purpose was to encourage students to become sufficiently interested to take up a career in the tourism and hospitality industry.

  President Daniel Gibbs and First Vice-President Valérie Damaseau, also took the opportunity to visit Cité Scolaire on Monday, May 25, for the return to school for Collège Soualiga students. They were welcomed by Soualiga College Principal, Monsieur Frigo. The elected representatives, the Recteur and Vice-Recteur Michel Sanz and Chargée de Mission Evelyne Fleming visited the classes and encouraged the pupils present and their teachers.

Source: The Daily Herald