Collectivité urging citizens to give input for PPRN technical meetings | THE DAILY HERALD

MARIGOT–The Collectivité is encouraging citizens to provide technical information, expertise or detailed testimonies to help the Natural Risks Prevention Plan PPRN move forward, and is inviting them to register as soon as possible for the topic that interests them.

  The Technical Committees (COTECHs) are open to the general public upon prior registration by email to Rigobert Hol of the Collectivité:

  People wishing to provide their expertise, testimony or any useful contribution can answer the questionnaire set up by the Collectivité on the Système d’Information Géographique (SIG) of the Collectivité, via the following link:

  The questionnaire can be completed online, but also at Technical Committee Meetings (COTECH) where two Collectivité officials will be responsible for recording the testimonies, on a digital tablet, half an hour before the meeting begins.

  This consultation, open to all, is in addition to the technical committees (COTECH) and aims to gather concrete information from the population to compile a file supported by expert reports and testimonies, which will be submitted to the Préfecture as part of the development of the new PPRN of St. Martin.

  Citizens are invited to make a contribution which can be supplemented by explanatory text, illustrative photos and any additional documents. The purpose is to shed new light on the consequences of Hurricane Irma in the various districts of the island. In addition to the questionnaire, an email address is at your disposal for the transmission of resources:

  Data provided by citizens are protected and information transmitted remains confidential. The Steering Committee (COPIL) composed of elected representatives, institutions and socio-professionals, will meet on Friday, September 20, to take a first look at the work carried out by the technical committees during the month of September.

  It will meet for the final report of the work on Friday, October 18. The file compiled by the local authority will be finalised in November 2019 and submitted to the Préfecture to be taken into account within the framework of the public inquiry on the PPRN. The Collectivité counts on the involvement of everyone in the interest of St. Martin.

  The next COTECH meeting is on Tuesday, September 17, in the refectory of French Quarter College 3 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. The theme is “Cohesion Social et Cadre de Vie.”

Source: The Daily Herald