Collège students recognised for assisting community post-Irma

MARIGOT–Five Mont des Accords Collège students are to be rewarded with a certificate from the French National Association of Order of Merit Members for showing remarkable initiative in helping neighbours in their districts during the critical period immediately after Hurricane Irma.

At a meeting this week in the Collège, the five students were visited by the President of the National Order of Merit Association Michel Lebon who was on an official visit to Guadeloupe, Martinique and the Northern Islands with a delegation.
It is thought a certificate or diploma will be presented to the students at another time. They are being recognized for exceptional acts of citizenship in difficult circumstances.
The five are Stéphanie Adams (15) from French Quarter; sisters Natalia and Richemond Octar (14 and 12) from Spring, Concordia; Sabine Antoine (14) also from Spring and Gianna Mirose (14) from Agrément.
The students, who are all friends, spoke in turn about what they did in their districts – mostly helping neighbours, cooking meals, cleaning up hurricane debris, handing out candles or helping the Red Cross distribute supplies. They all felt empowered by being able to help and found it very rewarding.
They took interest in the various categories of Order of Merit medals as explained to them by members of the delegation. Collège principal Suzelle Karam also gave an overview of the Collège situation six months after Irma.
Also present for the meeting was Rose Nicolas who is president of the St. Martin and St. Barths section of the National Order of Merit Association, Commandant Jean-Philippe Mafille, and various well-known local recipients of the Order of Merit decoration.
The French National Order of Merit Association created in 1963 by Général de Gaulle has 32,000 members in 96 sections of France, eight in the overseas territories and 37 abroad.

Source: The Daily Herald