Commissioner reports on Summer Festival incidents | THE DAILY HERALD

Commissioner of Police Paul Morrison.


ANGUILLA–Commissioner of Police Paul Morrison reported to the media that during the Summer Festival the police dealt with 106 incidents compared to an average eleven-day period when there would be 66 incidents. The incidents included 76 that were crime-related and involved robbery, one stabbing and one case of gun possession. The most common offences were fighting and carrying of offensive weapons.

“As one can see, for this short period, we have had to carry out a large security operation to process [that – Ed.] number of offences, and the demands on police services were extremely high,” Morrison said. He praised the entire Police Force for their work during the Festival and praised the senior officers for their professional performance.
Commissioner Morrison, in explaining the command structure of the Force for the policing of the festival, stated that the structure consisted of three tiers of officers, namely: the gold commanders, silver commander and bronze commanders. The gold commanders consisted of himself and Deputy Commissioner Elliot Forbes, who were principally responsible for setting up the strategic direction of the Force and ensuring that resources were made available to the silver commander Desmond Patterson, who had responsibility for delivering a tactical plan. Bronze commanders included Shem Wills of the Criminal Investigations Department (CID), who was responsible for crime investigation and processing, and Inspector Randolf Yearwood and Inspector Brian Best who were responsible for the logistics. Other bronze commanders included Cherrydelle Coombs who was responsible for intelligence, Shem McDowell for traffic management and Sannette McDowell who was responsible for the safety of children at the events.

The Commissioner thanked the Anguillian community for the part they played in looking out for each other’s wellbeing and enabling everyone to enjoy a relatively safe and incident-free Summer Festival.

Source: The Daily Herald