Conflict between unions and Collectivité over Ghislaine Rogers School ends with agreement | THE DAILY HERALD

Ghislaine Rogers School in Grand Case. (Collectivite photo)

MARIGOT–The Collectivité announced over the weekend a protocol agreement has been signed between the three main unions and Collectivité President Louis Mussington to end the conflict over conditions for employees at Ghislaine Rogers School in Grand Case.

The signing by Mussington and representatives of unions UNI.T 978, Union National Syndicale Autonome (UNSA) and Union Général des Travailleurs de Guadeloupe (UTC-UGTG) outlines what has been agreed by all parties, and averted an indefinite strike that would have started today, Monday.

Complaints over working conditions for staff at the school came to a head on April 16 with a walk-out and closure of the school. Various proposals had been made by Third Vice President Dominique Louisy and Director of General Services (DGS) Albert Holl, but to no avail.

The following has now been agreed on:

* Room 11 in Elie Gibs Elementary School will be made available for staff of Ghislaine Rogers School as a rest room and for their lunch break from 1:30pm to 2:30pm from May 27 to Friday, July 5, inclusive.

* The lunch break is 45 minutes

* Access to the establishment will be by the main entrance.

* The refrigerator and microwave oven will be transferred to Room 11 of Elie Gibs School no later than Monday, May 27, before the lunch break, and will be returned to Ghislaine Rogers School on July 5 at the end of the day.

* The Collectivité states its intention to find a permanent solution for staff of Ghislaine Rogers School in September 2024.

Ghislaine Rogers School is expected to re-open today, Monday, as long as everything is satisfactory with the designated room in Elie Gibs School.

Source: The Daily Herald