Construction of new helipad at Saba airport starts Monday | THE DAILY HERALD

Trucks transporting construction material for the renovation of the runway at Saba’s airport.

SABA–Construction company Saba Roads will begin the excavation of the designated area for the new helipad behind the apron at Juancho E. Yrausquin Airport on Monday, August 6. The helipad will be constructed with the same type of concrete that will be used to repave the airport runway. Construction of the helipad is scheduled to be finalized on Wednesday, August 22.

The Public EntitySaba reminds the publicof the limited availability of parking space at the airport. The parking lot will be closed from Monday onward, but a drop off/pick-up location will remain available.

The public entitysaid it has received messages from concerned citizens about the transport of materials in preparation for the renovation of the airport runway.

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, which is responsible for the execution of this project, has been informed about the concerns, and is currently discussing the matter with the contractor, the public entity said.

The renovation of the airport runway is a large and logistically-challenging project. The materials required for the project need to be transported from the quarry at Fort Bay harbour to the airport. For efficiency reasons, the contractor is using two large dump trucks for this work.

The public entity asks the community for their understanding during the coming month in which the remaining transport is scheduled. The contractor is required to have all necessary materials for repaving the runway, with the exception of water, ready and stored at the airport before the renovation works start, to minimize the risk of delays. This means transport with the dump trucks is scheduled to be finalized ultimately September 10, when the airport closes, and the construction work starts.

Transport is done during the hours in which the quarry at the harbour is open between 7:30am and 4:00pm. Because of the limited timeframe, transport has to continue throughout these hours in order to maintain the project schedule. However, the contractor was informed not to schedule any transport movements on Friday afternoon, because of an extra service at Zion’s Hill church.

Transport is always done by two dump trucks at a time, escorted by a car or truck in front with its hazard lights on, to ensure incoming traffic is informed. For traffic safety, it is deemed important that the two trucks stay together on their route. Therefore, the publicis requested not to come in between the two trucks. Also, road users are advised not to drive too closely behind the trucks. For some turns, the trucks have to back up a little.

Throughout the coming weeks the island government will provide regular updates on the airport project and on the progress of the transport of materials.

Source: The Daily Herald