CUL DE SAC–Residents of the Cul-de-Sac basin, Cay Hill, Fort Willem Hill, Belair and surrounding areas should see a marked improvement in their garbage collection under new garbage haulers.
This change of haulers comes after garbage hauler Robelto and Sons’ repeated failure to live up to its contract in spite of several warnings of breach of contract.
Residents of the affected areas have complained for months about the stinky and unhygienic garbage situations in their neighbourhoods. The failure to collect garbage on time, the non-collection for days and weeks at a time and no collection at all led the Ministry of Environment and Infrastructure to rescind the contract.
Minister Miklos Giterson told the press on Wednesday that the termination of the contract was “in keeping with my promise to hold garbage haulers accountable to the terms of their contracts.” Robelto and Sons’ contract was ended “due to poor work.”
The contracts for the two garbage collection parcels have been issued to the second-ranked bidders in the original bidding process – Leonard Enterprises and Meadowlands.
“We all have a part to play, and it is only right that I stand here weekly and ask residents to take responsibility and as I ask the business owners to take responsibility, I also hold the garbage haulers to their responsibility,” said Giterson.
He reminds all commercial entities that they are responsible for the disposal of their garbage. It is against the law to dispose of this garbage in the residential garbage bins. Businesses should contract and pay garbage haulers for their garbage collection. However, some “dishonest persons,” including third-party haulers and business owners, have been dumping commercial waste into residential bins, lending to overflow.
“This is an unacceptable practice and I call on the community to help us in being vigilant to ensure that this behaviour is stopped. Report to us any instances that are witnessed and, if you can, take a picture. We warn businesses and haulers that, if caught, hefty fines will be issued,” said Giterson.
Both dumps will continue to close at 6:00pm daily for the foreseeable future. The 6:00pm closure is to allow for better supervision of garbage and debris carted to dumps, as this becomes more difficult at night, and for safety reasons – fewer people on the dumps reduces the start of unintentional fires.
Source: The Daily Herald
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