Coralita to take centre stage at Science Café | THE DAILY HERALD

Coralita growing on a utility pole.

 ST. EUSTATIUS–Caribbean Netherlands Science Institute’s (CNSI’s) Science Café at L.E. Saddlerweg will be hosting two presentations on the coralita vine by scientists of Utrecht University in the Netherlands on Thursday, November 1, at 5:00pm.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the original date on which the Science Café was to be held had to be changed.

Thursday’s first presentation will be by Elizabeth Haber, who will be speaking about the ecological impact of coralita.

Jetske Vaas will be making a presentation on the people’s perception and management of coralita.

Coralita is a very common twining vine found growing in waste places. It is almost a weed, but the pink or white flowers forming garlands are very numerous and make a conspicuous bed of colour.

Source: The Daily Herald