Corallo properties and assets seized by TBO

PHILIPSBURG—Now that businessman Francesco Corallo (56) and Atlantis Group’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Rudolf Baetsen (56) have been arrested on Tuesday, Italian authorities are already working on extraditing Carallo to answer to  charges of tax evasion and bribery of several politicians.

  The Anti-corruption Taskforce (TBO) of the Kingdom Detectives Cooperation Team is in the meantime working on confiscating among other things property and three boats belonging to the suspect. The Italian authorities have indicated that properties belonging to the suspect worth up to 215 million euros can be confiscated.

   The searches and arrest that have taken place are part of an internationally coordinated action in Italy, Sint Maarten, The Netherlands and French Saint Martin.

  Corallo will appear on Thursday before the Judge of Instruction to review his detention.

Source: The Daily Herald