ST. EUSTATIUS–The State of the Netherlands did not act unlawfully by adopting the Temporary Law Task Neglect St. Eustatius, the Court of First Instance in St. Eustatius ruled this week.
Pursuant to that law, the Island Council of Statia was dissolved in February 2018, the Executive Council was relieved of its duties and the Acting Island Governor was honourably discharged. In addition, a Government Commissioner and a Deputy Government Commissioner were appointed.
Former members of the Island and Executive Councils of St. Eustatius, Clyde van Putten, Rechelline Leerdam, Reuben Merkman, Derrick Simmons and Charles Woodley had initiated legal proceedings against the State of the Netherlands.
The court case was filed September 2018 and pleadings in this case were held September 24, 2019. In their pleadings, plaintiffs demanded a Court statement that the Dutch State has acted unlawfully against them as individuals and against the Island Council, the Executive Council and its members. They also demanded payment of wages and cancellation of the unlawful conduct of the State.
They argued that the State “committed a coup d’état” with the temporary law, and acted in violation of national and international law, including the United Nations Charter. The Charter covers post-colonial self-determination and the full political emancipation of (former) colonies.
In the opinion of the Court, there was gross administrative neglect and intimidation with Statia’s government apparatus, and the State was, therefore, obligated to act.
Furthermore, the Court considered that it has been established that the population of Statia, as part of the Netherlands Antilles, exercised its right to self-determination as enshrined in Article 73 of the UN Charter when the Kingdom Charter was drawn up in 1954. Statia has voluntarily chosen not to become an independent state, but to become part of the legal order as laid down in the Kingdom Charter, the Court said.
However, the population of Statia has retained its right to self-determination, even after the integration of the Netherlands Antilles into the Dutch Kingdom. The island has exerted this right in 2005-2006, which resulted in the Executive Council accepting Statia’s new status as a Public Entity of the Netherlands in September 2010, after which the island was embedded in the Dutch legal order.
Pertaining to the right of self-determination, the Court emphatically stated that right belongs to the population, not to the Executive Council or the Island Council.
According to the judgment, no rule in the UN Charter prevents the State from intervening to correct “disorder” created by the Executive and Island Councils. In fact, intervention is necessary, precisely to enable the ever-ongoing discussion about the full political emancipation of the population of Statia in a functioning public entity in a democratic manner, according to the Court.
All claims of the five plaintiffs, including Van Putten’s, were rejected. They have already indicated that they will file an appeal, and that they will go to the highest international bodies, if necessary.
Source: The Daily Herald
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