EBENEZER–The residents of the St. Peters, South Reward, Ebenezer, St. Johns and Saunders area were invited to a Town Hall Meeting at the St. Maarten Academy PSVE campus in Ebenezer on Wednesday, March 28, from 7:00 to 9:00pm.
Community Police Officer (CPO) Inspector Felix Richards, who is assigned to those communities, was quite pleased with the turnout and gave an extensive PowerPoint presentation to those who attended the meeting.
Safety tips, updates on the crime situation in the communities, testimony on the crime situation to date and the establishment of the community WhatsApp group chat were among some of the key topics of the evening.
The discussion on crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) provided the community with tips on how to take precautions against becoming a victim, making sure the surroundings of your home are clear and visible at all times.
Towards the end of the meeting the floor was opened for the community to ask questions. They were given the opportunity to give feedback on how the crime in their area was combated based on the topics that had been discussed in a prior town hall meeting held by CPO Richards.
A resident of Weymouth Hill gave her account of how the WhatsApp group chat was a major success in not only combating the crime in the area but also bringing the community closer together.
Richards ended the meeting on a positive note encouraging the community to “say something if they see something and Report, Report, Report.”
Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/75292-cpo-richards-pleased-with-town-hall-meeting
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