Crime increased overall in 2022 after 2021 lull due to COVID-19 | THE DAILY HERALD

Préfet Vincent Berton (right) talks at the press conference where the 2022 crime figures were released.  Prosecutor Xavier Sicot (left) looks on. (Robert Luckock photo)


MARIGOT–Préfet Vincent Berton and Prosecutor Xavier Sicot released the 2022 crime statistics at a press conference on Monday. They noted the increase in crime in 2022 compared to less activity in 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  The figures for all categories are listed as follows:

  Voluntary attacks on physical integrity: 911 incidents against 779 in 2021 (2.5 times the national average);

  Violence, unlawful acts: 113 compared to 86 in 2021 (31.40% increase).

  Non-felony crimes: 519 compared to 468 in 2021 (10.90% increase).

  Homicides and attempted homicides: three in 2022 compared to five in 2021.

  Sexual violence: 61 acts against 45 in 2021 (35% increase).

  Crimes against property: 1,367 acts compared to 1,119 in 2021 (a third higher than national average).

  Armed robberies: 78 with firearms against 47 in 2021 and six with knives compared to two in 2021. Total armed robberies increased by 71.43%.

  Thefts without violence: 1,150 incidents against 921 in 2021 (25% increase).

  Vehicle thefts: 343 light vehicles compared to 231 in 2021 (48% increase).

  Fraud and financial offences: Locally, 68% increase over five years.

  Weapons offences (seizures): 34 against 24 in 2021.

  Foreigner legislation: 100 deportations against 50 in 2021.

  Non-admissions: 41 in 2022 against three in 2021.

  Judicial activity: 117 false documents discovered and 34 defendants heard, 74 incidents of assisting to obtain residency, 57 cases of non-declared foreigners in an employment situation.

  Road safety: There were four fatalities in 2022 (stable, but 2.5 times the national average in relation to local population. However, a decrease was noted in accidents; 21 compared to 42 in 2021 and 30 in 2020. Some 19 persons were injured, including 10 hospitalised in 2022 compared to 34 in 2021 (29 in 2020).

  Drug seizures: 13Kg of cocaine, 66.5kg of cannabis herb and resin. Local agencies are also mobilised in the fight against international trafficking to the USA or Europe.

  Strengthening of partnership actions: Several partnerships were relaunched in 2022 and they will have increased power in 2023.

  Two of these are Comité Opérationnel Territorial Anti-Fraude (COTAF) involving the prosecutor, combatting fraud where undeclared victims are unprotected, targeting the community as a whole through uncollected taxes; and the Collectivité’s Anti-Delinquency department (Conseil Local de Sécurité et de Prévention de la Délinquance (CLSPD) with involvement of the prosecutor and President of the Collectivité. The aim is to have a global action to respond to delinquency issues in the territory, and to continue deploying video protection and surveillance cameras.

Source: The Daily Herald