Curaçao marks ‘Dia di Bandera’ | THE DAILY HERALD

Flag-raising ceremony.

 WILLEMSTAD–The fortieth anniversary of Curaçao’s “Dia di Himno i Bandera” (National Anthem and Flag Day) was marked not only at the usual official places, but also by different neighbourhoods.

In the Bònt district of Steenrijk, this day has been celebrated from the start. Erwin Raphaëla, known for, among other things, his grass-roots radio programme “Bario pa Bario”, spoke for the occasion.

He is convinced that such activities should also receive support from the business sector. Plasa Brion and the “Parke Himno i Bandera” at Barber are all part of the official programme, but the day is also observed at Rooi Santu, Suffisant, Muizenberg and “P’ariba” in Montaña and Bonam.

Progress of a country starts in the neighbourhood, Raphaëla said, and these must be supported by government. That is not only keeping a neighbourhood clean, but also living together in harmony.


Cross of Merit recipients.

He has been presenting the radio programme for 30 years and also discussed the environment, tourism and production of one’s own food.

“Keeping a neighbourhood clean needs to be more structured and accompanied by a contest to determine which is the most beautiful, with the efforts of residents. That also appeals visitors from outside.”

Raphaëla concluded with a passage about good governance. According to him, this has to do with the qualifications of the elected authorities and parliamentarians. “We must choose people who have received training, who can read and understand complicated documents, but are also honest. If that is not the case, it will only lead to a downward spiral.”

The first official ceremony took place on Plasa Brion in the morning, including the presentation of the “Krus di Mérito Kòrsou” 2024 to six citizens, namely Meyrtha Marie Leetz Cijntje, Jeanine Li Fong Ng and Ezequel Augusto Calmes for their service in the social, cultural and educational development fields, Martin Humphrey den Dulk, because he designed the flag, Anthony Bernabe Curial for his efforts in the socio-cultural field and singer Mafalda Juana Salbach Minguel because she has been active for 70 years in the local merengue and salsa world.

A musical tribute to the latter was held Sunday on the same location with a performance by ”Arnell i su Orkesta” and others.

Source: The Daily Herald