Editorial ~ The Daily Herald ~ Nov 29, 2016
Prepare for the worst
News of another raid at the Checkmate Security building and arrest of its owner spread quickly on Monday. His home and offices had already been searched in connection with the “Mahi Mahi” probe into a shooting incident at the Westin parking garage earlier this year.
It’s important to note that this latest law enforcement action concerns another investigation dubbed “Emerald” regarding tax fraud, forgery of documents and money laundering, of which the detained businessman is suspected. It started following newspaper reports and questions in Parliament on the security services contract signed with Port St. Maarten.
The latter is obviously the reason a search was also conducted at the Government-owned harbour company. Management was quick to issue a statement saying the operation obviously targeted a third party and that it’s fully cooperating with the prosecution.
That may be true, but the continued legal issues with this particular security firm could certainly have a negative impact on the Port’s image. Although nobody in his right mind will lightly suggest breaking a valid contract with all possible financial and other consequences, at this point the harbour authorities would do well to look into this matter carefully and study different options for the future in case these become necessary.
In other words; hope for the best, yet prepare for the worst
Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/editorial/61906-prepare-for-the-worst
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