Directors present year plans to new island commissioners | THE DAILY HERALD

Directors of the public entity departments presenting their plans to Island Commissioners Derrick Simmons and Glenville Schmidt.

ST. EUSTATIUS–Department directors of the public entity St. Eustatius presented their year plans to newly-appointed Island Commissioners Derrick Simmons and Glenville Schmidt on Wednesday and Thursday, October 5 and 6.

  During these sessions the new commissioners gained immediate insight into the processes, procedures, plans and portfolios, the public entity said on Facebook. The commissioners’ support staff were also present.

  Government Commissioner Alida Francis and Deputy Government Commissioner Claudia Toet met with Schmidt and Simmons on Wednesday morning to discuss how parties can effectively and efficiently work together.

  The island commissioners were briefed on the ongoing work related to the Multi-Annual Implementation Action Plan, which was signed with the Dutch government in June. This Action Plan has the Island Council’s input and support.

Source: The Daily Herald