Dog needs meds | THE DAILY HERALD

Animal Defenders St. Maarten (ADS) is searching for Faro. The dog was found abandoned after Hurricane Irma at Sister Magda School. He was sick and depressed. ADS took care of him and brought him to a veterinarian who found out that Faro has a thyroid problem. He is now on medication and needs two daily tablets for the rest of his life.

After treatment kicked in, Faro changed from a grumpy old dog into a healthy, happy camper, who loves car rides. ADS tried to find Faro’s owner, but to no avail. One week before he was to get adopted and move to his new home in Guana Bay, he disappeared. He was last seen on July 28 near the school but is nowhere to be found. ADS sent out a request to the community to call tel. 553-3116 if anyone has information about this sweet dog. “If someone with good intentions took Faro, that is fine. No questions asked, but please inform ADS as he needs his medicine daily,” the animal protection organisation said.

Source: The Daily Herald