Dutch Embassy in Panama donates to St. Maarten | THE DAILY HERALD

PHILIPSBURG–The Dutch Embassy in Panama, led by Ambassador Dirk Janssen, recently donated a forty-foot container filled with hurricane relief material to the government of St. Maarten. The container filled with cement, plywood, water and clothing was received by the Department of Foreign Relations.

In collaboration with the Department of Social Services, the department decided to give the construction materials to Refresh SXM Construction, led by Drae Douglas. The team has been busy for several months with free home repairs for residents.
“When Social Affairs suggested Mr. Douglas we knew it was an initiative that we had to support,” said Patrice Gumbs Jr. of the Foreign Relations Department.
The other items were included in the various recovery drives the Department of Social Services held in the past few months.
“We do believe that the donation was able to reach those that needed it most and thank our colleagues at the Embassy in Panama for their generosity and continued support,” said Gumbs Jr.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/77634-dutch-embassy-in-panama-donates-to-st-maarten