Dutch IPKO delegation meets Statia’s govt. commissioners | THE DAILY HERALD

Government Commissioner Alida Francis (front, fourth left) and Deputy Government Commissioner Claudia Toet (front, fourth right) with members of the Dutch IPKO delegation.

ST. EUSTATIUS–The Standing Committees for Kingdom Relations of the Dutch Parliament’s First and Second Chambers sat down and held discussions with Government Commissioner Alida Francis, Deputy Government Commissioner Claudia Toet and Island Secretary Malvern Dijkshoorn-Lopes during their one-day visit to St. Eustatius on Tuesday, May 3.

  The meeting took place at Mike van Putten Youth Centre/Lions’ Den. The Dutch delegates and the commissioner spoke about the island’s ongoing issues. It was a lengthy and lively discussion, it was stated.

  Four members of Statia’s Island Council travelled to St. Maarten on Tuesday to take part in the Interparliamentary Kingdom Consultation IPKO taking place Thursday.

  Travelling with Council Members for the Progressive Labour Party (PLP) Rechelline Leerdam, Reuben Merkman and Clyde van Putten and Koos Sneek of Faction Sneek was Registrar’s Office administrative clerk Melissa Robins-Spanner. Democratic Party (DP) Council Member Adelka Spanner did not travel with Statia’s delegation.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/dutch-ipko-delegation-meets-statia-s-govt-commissioners