Dutch prison officials head home after 3-month stint

POINTE BLANCHE–The services rendered by four specialised officers from the Dutch Custodial Agencies (“Dienst Justitiele Inrichtingen”) have been mostly behind the scenes, or rather behind the walls of prisons for the past three months.

Officers Ton Golstein, Rob Bulters, Evert van der Leeden and Hans de Jong head back to the Netherlands tomorrow, Tuesday, after preforming some short term and long term safety and security duties for the country post-Hurricanes Irma and Maria.

They assisted with extra capacity in Simpson Bay Detention Facility in Simpson Bay, developed plans to rebuild the Pointe Blanche House of Detention, developed plans for the construction of a new prison and made an assessment about the situation in Miss Lalie Centre as well as the facilities in Pointe Blanche.

The team of four was also integral in organising the transport of 60 inmates from St. Maarten to Curaçao and the Netherlands in October.

Prime Minister Rafael Boasman thanked the team on Friday for their support and was especially thankful for their work in the prison and with the smooth transfer of inmates. Boasman is quoted as saying the team “worked together with all local authorities in a perfect way.” 


Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/71740-dutch-prison-officials-head-home-after-3-month-stint